1. Thou shalt Pray for your blog!
2. Thou shalt Work out - exercise - run - jog - bike - swim -
walk - roller blade. Do something and do it before you start writing or
at lunch.
3. Thou shalt Post at least five times a week.
4. Thou shalt post posts that are
interesting. Take care to post items that pertain to your intended reader.
5. Thou shalt give credit and live links, if you are posting someone's else's stuff.
6. Thou shalt do at least 5% humor or light-hearted posts! :)
7. Thou shalt do a different topic each day of the week. For instance... Monday: A Freebie, Tuesday: Humor, Wednesday: book review from another author, Thursday: Use Mr. Linky to have other bloggers link up with your readers on a certain topic. Friday: .....
8. Thout shalt give your readers your videos, your pictures, and your audio. They love to learn about you and hear what you have to say.
9. Thou shalt keep it short!
10. Thou shalt post Before and After. Readers love before and after. For example, show your dirty desk. Clean it. Show your clean desk. It's motivating to other writers to clean their desks.
My Two Blogs - growing in stats every day!
Cheryl's Momlaughs Blog
Cheryl's Writing Mentor Blog
FREE Kindle Books by Cheryl Moeller Free this week on Kindle
Bestseller: 100 Nearly Free Ways to Market Your Book
Homeschool Your Preschooler on $1 a Day