Monday, December 22, 2014

What are your 2015 Storytelling, Writing, and Publishing goals?

It's almost New Year's Eve.  On that evening all of us are super heroes believing we can do almost anything.

"I will write 1,200 sets of Encyclopedias this year in French."

At some point dreams meet realism which isn't all bad, but don't let your dreams dissolve into crumbs like an old stale cookie on the floor

                                               "I once longed to eat you."

Here's to coaching you into fulfilling your writing and publishing dreams.  I will be teaching several writing conferences in 2015 year online and in person, so please send me an email if interested in knowing more details.  cherylmoeller at

I also have excellent experienced editors to refer you to that can coach or edit personally for you.  cherylmoeller at

Storytelling in a Digital Age Conference:  Storytelling, Writing, Blogging/Social Media, Speaking, and Publishing with Cheryl Moeller