Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Syndicated Humor Column (Cheryl's Momlaughs) Appears in Over 15 Online Magazines and Newspapers

Writing A Syndicated Column - Once a Writer has a column, then she can get it on as many sites as possible weekly or monthly.  A column helps to establish you as a subject matter expert is a certain field.  It also helps you to get on a schedule with a deadline.  Deadlines are a writer's friend.
How do you get on more sites?  Google and start writing to editors of periodicals that you would like to be featured on.  One at a time you can build your syndication.

Mom's Good News...  Mom's Bad News

Mom's Good News...

I have a lot of friends on Facebook.

Mom's Bad News...

But, none in the real world.

Mom's Good News...

I just got my hair colored.

Mom's Bad News...

It did involve black shoe polish. 

Mom's Good News...

I discovered a brush and brushed my hair.

Mom's Bad News...

Found out it was the dog's brush.

Mom's Good News...

I put make-up on before church.

Mom's Bad News...

I forgot to take my pajamas off.

Mom's Good News...

My two-year son told me I looked pretty.

Mom's Bad News...

He also likes Ronald McDonald and Bozo.

Mom's Good News...

My favorite store is having a "Buy One, Get One Free" Sale!

Mom's Bad News...

I can't afford to even buy one.

Mom's Good News...

I brought extra diapers for our family vacation.

Mom's Bad News...

I forgot to pack the suitcase.

Mom's Good News...

I found cash!

Mom's Bad News:

The cash was in someone's pocket in the laundry.  After doing 15 loads that day,
if you average it out, I figure I made less than six cents an hour.

More Real Good News...
                        Cheryl's Books On Kindle and Amazon.

Help! Mom's Stuck on Spin Cycle Kindle Version

Pre-order Cheryl's Cookbook and solve your dinner dilemma permanently

Friday, October 28, 2011

I love Kindle and Nook Publishing

My next book to go out on Kindle is Homeschool Your Preschooler on $1 a Day.  I love Kindle Publishing.  I am putting up a lot of out of print books and/or self published books on Kindle.  Cheryl's Kindle Store

My national publisher is putting my new nationally published books on Kindle.  I am overly excited about Kindle Publishing - hope to get a new Kindle Fire soon.

Cheryl's Kindle Store

Writing tip of the day:  Be sure to put a lot of tags for any book or blog you have on Kindle publishing or Nook, etc.  I just went through all my Kindle offerings tonight and put about 10 tags on each one.  I am going to add more next week, also.  There are a lot of other places where you can leave tags - facebook notes, blog posts, etc.  Leave tags as they are kind of like bread crumbs that the children left in Hansel and Gretel, except even better.   Cheryl's Kindle Store

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New All New Part II Writing and Publishing Conference with Cheryl Moeller

You don't have to have attended Part I, but we are inviting all alumni to join us...

Monday through Thursday, November 14, 15, 16, and 17
Bethany Baptist Church
, 6700 W Gunnison Avenue, Harwood Heights, IL 60706
Lunch will be 30 minutes long to eat at area restaurants or to bring a brown bag lunch with you.
No admission charged, a love offering will be taken for FBFWFK Ministries, a 501c3 Ministry
R.S.V.P. to
 Cheryl's Writing and Publishing Conference:  Writing, Publishing, Kindle Publishing, Speaking, and Blogging Part II

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Cheryl's Kindle Books and Blogs Growing Every Week

Our National Book Companies are putting our books on Kindle.

Also, I am putting our out of print books and our self-published books on Kindle.

Join the Kindle Revolution!

Check out Cheryl's Kindle Books

Check out Cheryl's Kindle Blogs

If you don't have a Kindle Reader, you can get a free app on your iphone or PC.

But, whatever you do, don't miss out on the Reading Revolution.

I am putting all of my Kindle books up on Nook soon, also.

Cheryl's Kindle Blogs

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Articles from New York Times - All Writers Need to Stay Up with Recent Trends in the Writing and Publishing World

Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal

 SEATTLE — has taught readers that they do not need bookstores. Now it is encouraging writers to cast aside their publishers. 

Amazon will publish 122 books this fall in an array of genres, in both physical and e-book form. It is a striking acceleration of the retailer’s fledging publishing program that will place Amazon squarely in competition with the New York houses that are also its most prominent suppliers.   Read Rest of Article


Calling all Alumni - Cheryl's Writing and Publishing Conference: Writing, Publishing, Kindle Publishing, Speaking, and Blogging Part II

You don't have to have attended Part I, but we are inviting all alumni to join us...

Monday through Thursday, November 14, 15, 16, and 17
Bethany Baptist Church
, 6700 W Gunnison Avenue, Harwood Heights, IL 60706
Lunch will be 30 minutes long to eat at area restaurants or to bring a brown bag lunch with you.
No admission charged, a love offering will be taken for FBFWFK Ministries, a 501c3 Ministry
R.S.V.P. to
 Cheryl's Writing and Publishing Conference:  Writing, Publishing, Kindle Publishing, Speaking, and Blogging Part II

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tomorrow's Writing Conference

Harvest Baptist Church, Oswego, IL
Sunday, October 16, 1:00 Pm - 5:00 Pm,  Cheryl's Writing and Publishing Conference:  Writing, Publishing, Kindle Publishing, Speaking, and Blogging
Please come to the conference having already eaten lunch or bring a brown bag lunch with you.

- Dreaming Big Versus Realism - Cheryl Moeller
- The Most Important Thing:  A Great Idea 
- 9 Secrets of What Not to Say to Your Agent

- Your Pitch and Your Platform
No admission charged, a love offering will be taken for FBFWFK Ministries, a 501c3 Ministry
If you are attending from out of town, here's a list of hotels in Oswego, IL click here
This is a tricky church location to find, so make sure you use this map on the church website click here
Please be prompt.
Please R.S.V.P. for all conferences to

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Keep Courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage [Kindle Edition]

We turned a gift book into a Kindle book; newly released today!

Buy Now!  Only .99 cents

Practical and Creative... To Keep or to Give...

"Bob has been my Valentine for nearly 31 years! He swept me off my feet, with his elaborate courting! There’s no better time than today, to revive your courtship. Courtship shouldn't end with marriage. 'Keep courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage' will fan the flames of continued courtship."

A gift book! 50 ways to keep courting your husband and 50 ways to keep courting your wife.

Fifty Ways for Women to Keep Courting Their Husbands,
After Marriage:
- Attend an outdoor sporting exhibition show and look through the brochures, with him.
- Write a list of the "Things I Admire Most About My Husband" and tape it to his closet door.

Fifty Ways for Men to Keep Courting Their Wives,
After Marriage:
- Ask her to tell you two things that would make you an easier husband to live with (then work on them).
- Add "I love you" to her calendar on the day of your anniversary, every month. So, if you were married on June 16 (like the Moellers), write" I love you" on the 16th of every month, on her calendar. She'll remember every month how grateful you are to have her, as your wife.

Only .99 cents.

If you don't have a Kindle, you can get a free Kindle app and read this book using Kindle on your PC or iphone.

Thanks to our friend Claudette for knowing how to publish our book on Kindle.  If you would like to use her services, please contact us at  Her prices are reasonable and she is very good at Kindle publishing.